Friday, April 1, 2011

We Need Names

Maybe it's that Jonah is the 3rd kid and we've run out of creative names for stuffed animals (by the time we got to Mandy, "White Bear" was the best we could do). Or maybe it's because "Champ" turned out to be about the best name we could have given Micah's still-favorite animal. But for whatever reason we don't have a lot of good names for Jonah's potential favorite stuffed animals.

So I'm using you're desire to look at cute pictures of Jonah to enlist your help naming these potential friends! Add your name suggestions via a comment to this post or send me an e-mail.

His new name: Bruce the Moose
Name he came with: Bloose
What we've been calling him: Blue Moose

His new name: Ribbit
Name he came with: Ponds
What we've been calling him: the Frog

His new name: Stretch
Name he came with: Tiptop
What we've been calling him: the Giraffe