Sunday, October 9, 2011

Noah at the Boy Scout Olympics

Noah joined the Boy Scouts this year and has been enjoying his Den. It mostly consists of friends from his class last year. A couple months ago they had a pack night full of races and games and Noah was selected from that to represent his Den at the Regional Olympics competition. Here is a montage of videos we took that day. Set to the song "Barbara Streisand' by Duck Sauce (selected by Noah).

So, even though Noah only came home with a participation ribbon (in case you could not read it as it scrolled past the camera), we had a great time cheering him on. He says he wants to start training for next year.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Jonah (9 Months)

Times flies when you're having fun... or when you're not sleeping since you really have no idea what day it is anyway. Jonah's changing fast now. Seems like only a couple weeks ago we could set him down and come back to find him in the same spot. Not anymore! Check out some crawling from our little "Toad".

We call him "Toad" becasue 1) he needed a nickname, 2) A lot of people say he looks like me and "Toad" was my nickname, 3) because he has long skinny froggy legs and 4) he loves to jump (with some help).

His first words are Mama, Dada (might mean Dad, Brother or Dog depending on what he's looking at), Night Night and No No. And he doesn't say it but he finally signs "more" and "all done".

So there you go! You're all caught up. You know him so well it's like you've been living with us for the past 9 months! Can't beleive he's almost 1 already.

Friday, April 1, 2011

We Need Names

Maybe it's that Jonah is the 3rd kid and we've run out of creative names for stuffed animals (by the time we got to Mandy, "White Bear" was the best we could do). Or maybe it's because "Champ" turned out to be about the best name we could have given Micah's still-favorite animal. But for whatever reason we don't have a lot of good names for Jonah's potential favorite stuffed animals.

So I'm using you're desire to look at cute pictures of Jonah to enlist your help naming these potential friends! Add your name suggestions via a comment to this post or send me an e-mail.

His new name: Bruce the Moose
Name he came with: Bloose
What we've been calling him: Blue Moose

His new name: Ribbit
Name he came with: Ponds
What we've been calling him: the Frog

His new name: Stretch
Name he came with: Tiptop
What we've been calling him: the Giraffe

Saturday, January 22, 2011

First Snow

After the first real snow of winter Noah, Micah and I went outside to play in the backyard. They had a great time getting all bundled up. They made snow angels, we built a snow wall, made snow balls, had a snowball fight and tackled each other all over the yard.

They also enjoyed the slide once it was covered in snow.

The snow all melted after Christmas and we took our decorations down. Then when it snowed again Micah asked if we would be putting the decorations back up since it was Christmas time again. =)