Saturday, November 27, 2010

The "Lego Build Everything"

Growing up I remember we used to try to build every puzzle we had around New Years Eve. I have no idea if we ever finished it in one night (though I doubt it), but I do recall a picture of the ping pong table all covered in completed puzzles. It was in that spirit that I initiated the "Lego Build Everything" plan (to build all our Lego sets). Jonah was also taking forever to arrive and we needed something to distract ourselves.

The sets are rarely built the way they were meant to be. Most of the time they've constructed an R2D2 or a dog or some kind of car/ship, or they've asked me to build something crazy for them. But that's the beauty of Legos.

When we finished Noah was pretty proud of our accomplishment. However after this picture I think we started messing them up almost immediately and a couple weeks later only the big Star Wars ship Noah is holding remains intact.

The "Lego Build Everything" also had the added benefit of letting me take inventory on all our Legos. I went through every single piece and found that we are only missing 3 Legos (red flower, gray cone & yellow steering wheel). I'm pretty happy with that considering we've had some sets for 2+ years and we have them dumped in a pile on the floor for most of the year.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Guys...........
Keep the pictures coming. Todd I remember giving you Legos for Christmas when you were Noah's age. Looks like you have built some pretty neat stuff.
Love to all of you.....

Grandma in Florida